Blackjack Card Counting Trainer

Card counting is a technique used in blackjack to improve your long-term odds. By assigning values to each card, you can gauge the strength or weakness of the remaining cards in the show. Adjust your bets depending on the value of the remaining cards. Your bets increase if the count is high. The blackjack card counting trainer is a strategy based on the mathematical probabilities of the game. Blackjack is by far the game with the best odds in the casino. Learn the basics first by playing for free at an online casino to get your skills up. Once you know the basics, then try a blackjack card counting trainer or system and play for.

Blackjack is one of the easier card games you will ever learn,especially if you have a card counting trainer. Although its basic concepts are simple, there is still a lot of strategy involved. The game used to be called “21″ because the person closest to 21 wins the hand.

  • Count on a fun online game of Blackjack. Play for free online! Search MSN Games. Genre: Card & Casino. If you like Blackjack, you'll love Microsoft Bubble! Beat the dealer! Make your bet, and you're dealt two cards. Click Deal, and the dealer will toss you two cards.
  • The only application you need to master both Basic Strategy and Card Counting. Blackjack All-In-One Trainer has 3 modes; Play, Train and Simulate. Reduce the advantage the casinos have over you.
  • How to Count Cards in Blackjack: Card Counting Trainer & Guide You need to learn about blackjack card counting to take your game up a level. Counting cards is an easy skill to pick up, but.

Blackjack Card Counting Trainer Starter Tips

Tip 1

You don’t have to get 21, you just have to beat the dealer. You don’t even have to beat other players at the table. The idea is to get as close to 21 without taking any chances that you might go over.

With a blackjack card counting trainer you know if the card you need to win is still in the deck!

Tip 2

The dealer will have one card facing up and one facing down.. Always “assume” that the card facing down is a 10 or better. This will help you to decide if it is wise for you to take another card or not.

Tip 3

It is not always advantageous to double or triple your bet on the next round, even if you lost the round before.

A Blackjack Card Counting Trainer Helps You Know What Is Still In The “Shoe”

Tip 4

If you wish to increase your odds, or make a living out of gambling, then you need to invest in some kind of card counting trainer, or system. Although you can’t win every hand, you can learn to walk away a winner every session you play data keluaran togel hongkong.

Tip 5

Don’t buy insurance at the table. The odds that the dealer has blackjack are not worth the extra money the insurance cost.

Tip 6

Remember that different casinos, live or online, play with different amounts of decks of cards. The normal is six to eight decks at a time. All the cards are placed in what the casino calls a “shoe”. The less cards they play with, the better for you, however with the right blackjack card counting trainer you will be able to keep up with any of the tables.

The blackjack card counting trainer is a strategy based on the mathematical probabilities of the game. Blackjack is by far the game with the best odds in the casino. Learn the basics first by playing for free at an online casino to get your skills up. Once you know the basics, then try a blackjack card counting trainer or system and play for free again. You will see a huge swing in how much you win! Once you feel comfortable with your new system you can play for real money.

Don’t get in a hurry. Learn and hone your craft before spending a dime. You and your bank account will be happy you saved hundreds of dollars using a blackjack card counting trainer!

Blackjack is one of the games in the gambling world which have been adapted into the online version, there are many variations of the game which are also available. It is easy to win at gambling if you have the right knowledge about the game you are playing as well as the basic analytic skills to deduce the odds of winning.


Card Counting Is Easier Than People Think

Blackjack Card Counting Tool

It isn’t memorizing all the cards that come out of an 8 deck shoe. Instead, it is just knowing the difference between the number of small cards and the number of big cards.

People unfamiliar with card counting tend to think that it requires great memorization and this simply isn’t true. The misconception is that one must keep track of every single card to be successful.

The reality is that the player simply groups cards with a point system as follows:
2, 3, 4, 5, 6: +1
7, 8, 9: 0
T, J, Q, K, A: -1

Here is a graphical version of the groupings:

Getting rid of low cards is a good thing so we score positive points when that happens.
Mid cards are neutral so we don’t have to keep track of them.
Getting rid of broadway cards is bad, we need those big cards for blackjack! Our count loses points/value when these great cards get used up.

We only need to know the difference between the number of small cards that have been used up and the number of big cards. It’s as simple as that.

Hand Example

It’s the first hand of the shoe. I stand on T4 since the dealer is showing a 6. He then shows a 2 as his other card. He hits and gets a Jack (J).

Blackjack Card Counting Trainer

What is the count at the end of this hand?

If you answered +1 then you’re right. Here are the details:
T: -1
4: +1
6: +1
2: +1
J: -1
total: +1

This is the running count but what really matters is the true count. We’ll get to the true count later.

Practice card counting online

Another Hand Example

As we saw above, the first hand of the shoe gave us a running count of +1. We’re now on the second hand and it goes like this:

Me: AQ
Dealer: 5K7

Here are the count details for this second hand:
A: -1
Q: -1
5: +1
K: -1
7: 0
total: -2

What is the running count now? It was +1 at the start of this second hand. The second hand deducted 2 points from the running count so now the running count is -1.

Running Count

The running count is the sum of the individual counts of all hands in the shoe.

If the individual count of the first hand in the shoe is +1 then the running count is +1. If the second hand in this shoe has an individual count of -2 then the running count becomes -1. If the third hand in this shoe has an individual count of +3 then the running count becomes +2.

True Count

The true count is the running count divided by the number of decks left in the shoe. For example, if there are 2 decks left in the shoe and the running count is +4 then the true count is +2. On the negative side, if the running count is -6 and there are 2 decks left then the true count is -3.

Card Counting Simulator

Betting Strategy

If the true count is near 0 or below 0 then players bet the minimum. Players bet more as the true count gets high above 0. We use a betting system where the betting unit is the same as the table minimum. Starting with +1, every one point increase in the true count adds another betting unit.

Here is our betting strategy on a $10 minimum table:

Count 0 or Less: bet $10
Count +1: bet $20
Count +2: bet $30

Count +x: bet 10*(x+1)

Our blackjack betting strategy section has more details on the thinking behind our betting strategy.

Card Counting Systems: Hi Lo vs Hi Opt

Everything we’ve explained here is for the Hi Lo card counting system. The Hi Opt card counting system is almost the same thing except that in Hi Opt the deuces and aces are not counted. In other words, in Hi Opt both A and 2 are 0 instead of -1 and +1 respectively.

Online Practice

Of course the best way to practice card counting online is to use our trainer tool. Beginners have the option of trying a few hands to make sure they get the right count on each hand individually. Intermediate counters can go through the shoe and see if they are able to keep the correct running count. Advanced players can make sure they are sizing their bets correctly based on the true count.

Blackjack Card Counting Trainer

Offline Practice

Find a deck of cards and deal out all but one while keeping track of the running count. At this point the count is either -1, 0, or +1. Based on this information, you know if the last cards is small, medium, or large. After the last card is dealt then the count is back to zero if you counted all the cards correctly.

Save The Big Bets For Times When Odds Are Good

This isn’t rocket science. Instead of randomly changing the size of bets, players should increase bet sizes when the true count says odds are good.